Wednesday, April 27, 2016


My son says this gesture would be swearing in China.  Wikipedia says an outward pointing little finger in China means poor quality, you are nothing or not very good at something.  Maybe we should be using this with China except the reality is China is very good at something, manufacturing.  Now that millions of manufacturing jobs have moved overseas its even more important to focus on our own strengths: innovation and invention and today's environment is prime for the everyday-inventor. 

Step 1: find need/ pain point/ a problem that needs solving with the emphasis on NEEDS
Step 2: prototype, test, prototype
Step 3: file your provisional patent
Step 4: Crowd fund your first X orders to fund manufacturing set up overseas.
Step 5: Collect money, find new problem and go to Step 1.

If you'd like to see some of our products, check out ToasterShield on and make sure to follow #everyday-inventor

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